Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker creates work for EUROPALIA ROMANIA 2019
Published on 16.09.2019, 15:25

As part of EUROPALIA ROMANIA 2019, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker is creating a live performance inspired on the work of Constantin Brâncuși. This new creation will be performed every Thursday, Friday and Saturday as part of the Brâncuși exhibit at BOZAR.
Constantin Brâncuși’s sculptures capture the suggestion of lightness, clarity and transparency in solid matter. His work explores the tension between the concrete and the abstract, between horizontal inertia and vertical movement. Basing herself on one and the same intuition, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker created a choreographic object in which Brâncuși’s shapes resonate. A continuous play between the materiality of the body and the pursuit of an ethereal quality grants the movement the translucent light and weightlessness so characteristic of Brâncuși’s art, modern and yet imbued with a centuries-old craftsmanship.
Performance dates:
October 2019: 3,4,5,17,18,19,24,25,26,31
November 2019: 1,2,7,8,9,14,15,16,21,22,23,28,29,30
December 2019: 5,6,7,12,13,14,19,20,21
January 2020: 9,10,11
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Anika Edström Kawaji, Marie Goudot, Yuika Hashimoto, Cynthia Loemij, Laura Maria Poletti, Soa Ratsifandrihana, Sue Yeon Youn
Lila John
In collaboration with Europalia Romania 2019 and Bozar