(but if a look should) April me

(but if a look should) April me

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

Created with and danced by
Beniamin Boar, Marta Coronado, Alix Eynaudi, Jordi Galí, Fumiyo Ikeda, Cynthia Loemij, Ursula Robb, Taka Shamoto, Igor Shyshko, Clinton Stringer, Julia Sugranyes, Rosalba Torres Guerrero, Jakub Truszkowski 
also danced by Elisaveta Penkóva, Johan Thelander

Femmes de la plaine du Pô, Sento il fischio del vapore; Parveen Sultana Rosiya Moke Bulaye ‘Thumri’; L. Subramaniam, Raga Alapana; Thierry De Mey, Les Fiançailles: Water, Earth, Mountain (Wind); Yannis Xenakis, Peau (Pleïades); Igor Stravinsky, Les Noces (Pokrowski Ensemble); Thierry De Mey, Silence must be! (pour chef solo); Gérard Grisey, Stèle; W.A. Mozart, Aria from “Le Nozze di Figaro” (IV, 8); Morton Feldman, King of Denmark; Chukke Hakki (Indian children’s song, tape)

Ictus: Miquel Bernat, Gerrit Nulens, Georges-Elie Octors, Jessica Ryckewaert, Peter Van Tichelen, Michael Weilacher

Set and lighting design
Jan Versweyveld

Inge Büscher

Music analysis
Georges-Elie Octors

Alexandre Fostier

Singing lessons
Lucie Graumann

Coaching sign language
Daniëlle Maes

Théâtre de la Ville (Paris)

World premiere
3.04.2002, De Munt/La Monnaie (Brussels)